Our Courses
Your daughters face harsh realities every day. The sooner she can ENGAGE and INTERACT with positive role models, teaching her skills to cultivate healthy habits, the sooner she can kick-start the journey to building a strong foundation for her life ahead.
Social media sets impossibly high and unrealistic standards, which shape the minds and expectations of our girls. Thus Girl-School comes alongside parents by providing a sound value structure, establishing healthy relationships and assist discovering their worth.

Topics Covered
We discuss various relevant topics that will prepare girls for the specific phase of their lives. All our conversations will be discussed and presented in an age-appropriate way and includes the following:

What is ‘REAL BEAUTY’ and why being YOURSELF is awesome!
At Girl-School we are passionate about teaching our young ladies that ‘Real Beauty’ is the UNIQUE combination of YOUR inner and outer beauty qualities. We teach them what INNER BEAUTY really means and why it is important, but also why a woman must embrace her unique outer beauty too. “Being yourself is the prettiest thing you can be”, and we also give the girls powerful and practical tools to fight against comparison.
The importance of good posture & a positive first impression
We teach your daughter the importance of good posture, since it is not only healthier for her body, but she will also look and feel more confident when sitting gracefully. The sooner she starts practicing this way of sitting, the sooner it will become second nature to her.
We will teach our ladies how important it is to become aware of the signals and messages we send out to others, whether it is through our body language, the way we dress, our words or actions. People form an opinion about us based on our non-verbal messages and will treat us according to the impression we create. We all want to be treated with respect and dignity, so we need to become aware of our signals and make the best of that ONE chance that we get to make a good first impression.

Personal-care & hygiene
We understand that some girls are ‘girly-girls’, some are ‘tomboys’ and others are somewhere in-between. We don’t want to CHANGE her, but we DO want our ladies to learn this important fact. It doesn’t matter whether she is a girly-girl, skater-girl, likes reading books or climbing trees, ALL GIRLS have to pay attention to their personal care and hygiene, especially now that their bodies are changing.
We give the girls PRACTICAL tools and knowledge to apply during puberty and these habits will set a healthy foundation for the teenage years and beyond. We do a hands-on, age-appropriate skin-care routine in class, as well as some other fun personal grooming steps. The aim is to inspire our ladies to practice self-care in their daily lives as this not only ensures a good impression, but also boost self-esteem when you practice self-love and confidence when you look and feel your best.
Table and social etiquette
Times change, but manners are timeless.
We teach our ladies how to behave appropriately and politely focusing on how to be a good hostess, a considerate house guest and also table etiquette. We make manners ‘cool’ because they start to see WHY it is so important and not just something ‘mom or dad tell them to do’. Learning basic etiquette will also boost confidence as she will know what to do and what not to, in certain situations.

Healthy friendships
Friends are important, but friendship challenges are also very real, especially at this sensitive age.
So, how do you recognise whether a friendship is good for you or not? We also teach our ladies what we call “The 5 Friends of Friendships” which should always go hand-in-hand with any friendship. These include “boundaries” and “assertiveness“.
We then give your daughter practical tools and guides that she can use to determine whether a friendship is healthy for her or not.
Respecting, loving and accepting my body
These days body image is becoming a challenge for girls from an even younger age. That is why it is so important that we teach our daughters about LOVING and RESPECTING their bodies. We explain to your daughter that her body is MUCH more than just a ‘shell’ that needs to look a certain way, often dictated by unrealistic media standards.
We introduce our ladies to our Girl-School “Big 5 of a Healthy Lifestyle” and then teach them that if they focus on being healthy rather than ‘skinny’, they are on the right path to positive body image!
As a bonus, we also give the girls five questions that they should always ask before they get dressed to also start cultivating habits around good dress sense.

What makes me special?
In order for her to grow her self-esteem and confidence, she needs to realise that she too has special qualities that make her unique and beautiful. Women often grow up thinking it’s wrong to acknowledge their own beauty, but if you do this in a humble, beautiful way, it is critical in growing self-love and confidence and ultimately a happier life. It is easy to focus on the negative and all the things you DON’T like about yourself, that is why we want to teach our pre-teens to focus on and celebrate their unique positive and beautiful qualities and then SPARKLE in the world!